Hi, I’m Sandra!


I moved from Egypt when I was 8 years old. My parents chased the “American Dream” hoping my sister and I would have a better life, and more opportunity.

Academic success was the only factor I ever considered. I got a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience, and a Masters in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience (fancy term for psychology and neuroscience combined) from the University of Texas at Dallas. I was pursuing my PhD in one of the top universities in Texas, but I then quickly realized that even though I’m passionate about research, I wanted to apply my problem solving skills to the real world helping every day people create a life they fall in love with. So, after 7 months of a Neuroscience PhD program, I left!

The world is rapidly changing, and work culture is not the same as it used to be. The American dream isn’t feeling very magical and life just doesn’t feel the same. I want to change that. I want to show people that you don’t have to wait to start living your dream. I want to show teams the power of effective communication and a healthier team environment.

All these changes are rooted in one thing. Mindset.

My goal is to bring awareness to the science of behavior and mindset.

I’ve combined my personal and educational experiences to develop a new way to coaching. Rooted in science, driven by understanding, Piece of EmpowerMind aims to provide sustainable change to people, business, and communities enabling individuals to create a life you enjoy living.


You can’t always control what life hands you, but you can always control what you give back.