7 Reasons you haven't been able to accomplish your goals

Goals are an essential part of one’s forward progression in life. From business to personal and even relationships- goals are a part of everything. If you’re here it's most probably because you’re setting these amazing goals, but you feel like you’re going nowhere. Trust me, I’ve been there! Here, I’ll be sharing the 7 reasons that I’ve found to be the most common hurdles when trying to achieve any goal

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Sandra GirgisComment
The Three Pillars of Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity, unfortunately, has found its way into almost everyone’s daily lives. From jobs, to friend groups, and even our self talk, we often hold onto “happiness” so tight that we sabotage ourselves to the point where true happiness isn’t even possible anymore. By becoming more aware of what toxic positivity looks like, internally and externally, you’ll find yourself able to navigate through life experiencing its full potential. Highs, lows, and everything in between, that’s part of being a human being.

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Sandra GirgisComment
Conversations you need to have before you commit to ANY relationship

Relationships. The one thing we seem to hate yet can’t survive without.

The overly possessive, the liar, the cheater, the right person wrong time, wrong person right time… take your pick, but I’m sure I'm not alone in this dreaded yet seemingly honorary indictment into the dating world.

This definitely doesn’t apply to everyone. And if the universe is on your side and you're in love with your high-school sweetheart like my Biology teacher from high school is, good for you. You’re one of the chosen ones.

However, for the rest of us, the not so favored by love or whatever, let’s talk.

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Sandra GirgisComment
How to get yourself or someone you love through the Holiday Blues

While the holidays can spread cheer, for some they spread fear, and depression. If you’re impacted by the holiday blues, you’re most definitely not alone! More importantly, know you’re not doomed nor a slave to these feelings. It’s tough to be alone, it’s tough to feel stuck inside your head, but I want you to know that even though it may not feel like it, you ARE tougher.

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Sandra GirgisComment